2 posts categorized "Referral Photos"

February 10, 2006

Something pretty amazing?

I think Maddy lookes like Gwen. Not like her twin but certainly like her sister. So I've been searching my old photos for proof but can't find any since all of Maddy's pictures are from about age 11 months and, except for her referral pictures, I only have pictures of Gwen from age 14 months.

So I pulled out the referral photos. Remember that both girl are just one month apart in age(Gwen is a month older than Maddy though). I'm pretty sure the referral pictures for both girls were taken at 11 months. Here's what I saw:


These are their "mug shots". Usually, they're taken earlier than the other referral photos.

I think it's interesting that they're both wearing little upsidedown smiles. The colors swap (red and white) is interesting too!

(Gwen on the left and Maddy on the right)


Both referral photo sets included a "sitting" picture. Both included a stuffed bear. Both included bare feet. Both included a similar expression!

(Gwen on the left and Maddy on the right)


Both sets of referral photos included a "standing" picture. Both included leaning on an object for support. Again, there's so sweet little feet!

(Gwen on the left and Maddy on the right)

I've looked at LOTS of referral photos over the months and never seen two sets that matched so much in composition. Amazing (I think!) I called Tracey at USAA today and asked if she could request an update (with pics!). She said she would. I can't wait to see what little Madeline Abigail looks like now! :)

Madelineabigail_very_sm UPDATE: 19 months:

  • Madeline is 20.24 pounds and 30 inches tall
  • Her feet are 5.2 inches long
  • She has 8 teeth
  • She can walk up/down stairs, throw a ball and scribble
  • She wakes up at 5:20 AM (we'll be changing that!)
  • She goes to bed at 8:30PM and sleeps with her foster mom (that's nice)
  • She is active, restless and stubborn on occassion (just like her sister!)
  • Her favorite activities are playing with balls and walking by herself
  • Her favorite foods are vegetables (good girl!)

July 28, 2005

Our Referral

           Introducing our daughter,

Born: June 2004
Place:  ShenZhen SWI in Guangdong Province
Height/weight: 18.7 lbs and 27.9 inches tall at 11 months

* She has four little toothies!
* She can pull herself up to stand
* She’s able to take a few steps if you hold her hand
* She can stand unassisted for a moment
* Recognizes people and is close to her caretaker
* Can pick up toys
* Can sit unassisted
* Can crawl
* Likes to eat biscuits
* Likes listening to music
* Likes playing with toys




Look at those cute little toes!










Such a serious face!  I bet she has a smile to light up a room though!  (update:  Yes, she does!!)

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