Trick or Treat!
Without a doubt, this was our favorite Halloween so far!
The girls were counting the days and minutes until they could put on their costumes and beg door to door for candy. What a weird tradition! We attended a neighborhood costume party then hit the streets. An hour later, we had more candy than any family should eat and two extremely tired kids!
And, as if getting candy wasn't already the most awesome part of Halloween, they got to HAND IT OUT this year too! Seriously, I think they liked that part best of all. They parked their kiesters just inside the front door and worked out all of the details about who would open the door and who would dole out the goods. When the task was complete, they dismissed their door-guests with a sweet duet of "Happy Halloween!" then plunked back down to patiently await the next round of trick-or-treaters. We're sure they would have kept this up all night if we let them but, alas, it was a school night so we eventually had to wash faces and brush teeth and trade those costumes for pajamas. Even though they thought it was incredibly unfair and wholly unnecessary, two minutes later, they were both sound asleep!
(Since I'm sure someone will ask, that arrow Gwen is holding isn't real. I Photoshopped it in!)
Here are a few more photos of our costumed cuties (minus the makeup):
Pretty little darling! Don't you just love those shoes?
Gwen hated this dress. She only wanted to wear her Avatar costume. Even though she was miserable, she sure did take some pretty photos!
Dreaming of getting to wear the Avatar costume?
Getting totally fed up with these photos?
Ah! There's my happy (and beautiful!) Avatar girl!
I saw Mr Bones laying in a box in our garage and thought he might be perfect for the November theme over on We Picture {this}. The theme is "Body Parts"! Hee hee... even though I'm sure they had something else in mind, I like my take on it!
I hope everyone had a fun halloween! We sure did!