1 posts categorized "Fashion Friday"

April 23, 2009

Watermelon shirt (dress)

Gwenny never shows much interest in her wardrobe so when she asked if she could wear her watermelon shirt, I said "sure" even though I didn't think she actually owned a watermelon shirt. 

Then she showed up a few minutes later wearing this getup and a Great Big Smile.  I had to laugh (and grab the camera) because that "shirt" was actually a dress that she wore nearly four years ago when we were in China adopting her!  I have no idea why she thought it should be part of her cowgirl costume -- or why this costume also included teeny tiny green and white striped pj shorts!  Oh well, I s'pose it doesn't really matter when you're this cute!  (click on any of the photos below for a larger view)

Yee Haw, Cowgirl!!

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She was hopping around in the grass saying "ribbit" when I took this pic (below)

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I thought this one was incredibly pretty.  Gwen has such a beautiful soul and you can see straight into it when you look in her eyes.   She was laying in the grass and looking right at the camera and I love the serene expression on her face.  I wish I knew what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

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Here she is wearing this same dress in China (9/11/2005 - Guangzhou).  This picture was taken on my birthday and Gwendolyn Claire was, by far, the most amazing give I've ever been given (and she still is!).  More photos of the Watermelon Dress in our flickr set: <here>

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Isn't she lovely?  It's strange to look back at these photos after so many years and realize that I didn't know this little girl at all back then.  Now I recognize all of her smiles because I've seen them so many times.  I know that the smile in the photo above is her Sincere smile.  It's the one she can't help but produce when she genuinely finds something funny.  The smile in the photo below is her Amused smile.  We see this one very often because she's such a happy little girl and almost everything amuses her.   

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Salsa Mom (M3) is doing her Fashion Friday post this week and we're in!   

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