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November 08, 2010

Who's that girl?

Ever since 1st grade started, our mornings are pretty action packed and crazy and dragging a hair brush through Gwen's super long locks causes way too much agony for both of us. 

For months, I've threatened to cut her hair and she finally called my bluff so, last weekend, I chopped about ten inches off!  It's still what most people would consider "long" but it's nothing like it used to be and the biggest surprise of all is.... I like it

After school today, I asked her to come outside so I could snap a few photos of her new 'do' in the sunlight.  These aren't the best quality but I just love the images I captured of this little Thief-O-Hearts.

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I keep lip gloss in the camera bag because her lips are always chapped and it's so hard to fix that in photoshop.  She usually HATES the lipgloss but today she wanted to put it on all by herself. 

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I handed it to her and she slowly unscrewed the top.  Then she looked at her reflection in my sunglasses and smeared the pearly goo all over her mouth and chin.  I was laughing so hard I could hardly see through the viewfinder!

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We cleaned up the glossy overflow and then she decided that she needed to "paint" her fingernails.

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This is a kid who has NEVER let me paint her fingernails with actual nail polish.    She had so much fun covering each fingernail with lip-gloss and I had even more fun taking photos of it! 

But weren't we here to take pics of her new hairdo?

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Here's a pretty motion pic of her amazingly thick hair from the back.  Don't you wish YOUR hair was this thick?

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Here's the swingy hair shot when she turned around.   Oh, if only they gave out hair scolarships to college.

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Ah, what a sweetie!

You might notice that she's wearing a skimpy little shirt in these photos even though we're a week into November.  I dressed her in three layers of shirts this morning but this is how my little goofball came home. 


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