B&W Wednesday: Renaissance Gwen
You sure wouldn't know it from looking at this photo but our little Gwen is a major tomboy! In fact, we joke that she's our 'other' son. And would you ever guess from her utterly charming pose, above, that she loathed this dress?
She was a Navi Princess (Avatar) for Halloween and that's the only thing she wanted to wear but we made her pose for some photos in this Renaissance style costume too. After a minute or two of hysterically pathetic pouty poses, she got her groove back and let her real personality shine through. Wanna see some of the color costume pics? They're lovely and they're here.
Our Halloween over the years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
For more Black & White Wednesday fun, check out The Long Road to China.
More of our Black & White Wednesday posts here: Black & White Wednesday