We're here!
Sorry to take so long to update the blog but internet access on the ship is insanely expensive (about 50 cents per minute) so we've not been on the computer much.
The girls did great on the flight and we had no snafus until the last leg when we were delayed on the runway on arrival into London and missed our connecting flight to Rome by just two or three minutes. No big deal except that only part of our luggage made the switch to the new flight so we arrived in Rome and boarded our cruise ship without our stroller or any of Gwen and Maddy's clothes. The airlines promised that we'd have our missing luggage at the first port but it didn't arrive. Then they promised again that we'd have it before the ship left Athens but only the stroller arrived. So, five days later, the girls are still wearing PJ's. But their PJ's are super cute and they don't seem to mind wearing the same thing every day so we're feeling kinda lucky that it was their suitcase that went missing instead of one of ours.
We've been to several places and it's been AMAZING but I've been bad about blogging so I"m going to backdate this post and try to start at the beginning and catch up.
Here's the beautiful sunset on our first night.
And here's the amazing sunrise the next morning.