"Let Go!"
The bike tires are always flat and two bikes take up too much space in the back of our van so we hardly ever ride them. Most of the time, we use our Razor Scooters and since the girls mastered those long ago, we suspected they were more than ready to ride a bike without training wheels. Today, we tested that theory.
Maddy's bike is the smallest so that's the one we took the training wheels off of first. She cried and cried when we removed them! Security is so hard to give up! Maddy did a pretty good job riding without them but she insisted that Daddy run next to her and never let go of the bike even though she was balancing really well and could have survived a solo ride if she was just a teensy bit more brave. She'll probably do it next time. She's closer than she thinks!
Meanwhile, Gwen (our fearless one) mastered it almost immediately. Daddy ran around with her for a few minutes then she started insisting that he let go. She did great! Here's a short video of the highlights (only about 1 minute long):