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November 02, 2009


Halloween 2009 blog

Sir Gwendolyn, Pirate Daddy and MaddyKitty take the shortcut through the a Flickr Graveyard on Halloween night. They're fearless, huh!

Well, not exactly.  Some of the halloween decorations on the houses scared them and they were afraid to approach the door.  More than once, someone was hiding in the bushes and jumped out and scared the kids.  Pretty annoying, actually.  But it was still fun and the girls had a great time!  We used it as an opportunity to meet neighbors and put the word out that we'd found the puppies.  We showed their picture to everyone but nobody knew anything about them.   

We don't get many trick-or-treaters at our house because we live on a street where the houses are pretty far apart and more than half don't participate in Halloween.   In prior years, we've been stuck with lots of left over candy so this year we gave away fistfuls of candy and succeeded in running out pretty fast. Phew!  That's a good thing!

Here are two closeup photos of Gwen and Maddy's halloween costume.  They were sooooo cute this year!

20091024-sir gwendolyn

Maddy cat halloween 005


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