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October 30, 2009

Found Puppies!

On the way to pick the the girls from school today, I spotted a precious little puppy in the road.  I stopped the van and approached him to find out why he was outside his home unsupervised.   Then his sweet little sister wandered over and I was treated to one of the cutest sights ever -- puppies dancing at my feet with lolling tongues and wagging tails.  All of a sudden, I understood what Donny Osmond meant back in the 70's when he sang about puppy love.

I wasn't sure if they'd let me pick them up but they were cool with it so I tossed them in the back of my van and stopped long enough at my house to deposit them into my big beautiful fenced backyard then hurried to school (almost late!) to pick up Gwen and Maddy.  I told them about the puppies and they were quivering with excitement about meeting them.  But I explained several times that they're not ours and we can't keep them and we have to find their family (etc and so on...).  

God makes puppies that look like this for just one reason:  To ensure the survival of the species!

20091030-lost puppies reduced

Puppies are a tremendous amount of work and with all the barking and digging and pooping and chewing, who would want them if they weren't this stinking adorable???  Oh, and would you be at all surprised to learn that the kids ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEM!?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

When the girls went into their room for nap, I started searching on line and found the Animal Shelter (where we'd take them if we were that kind of family and we're not - yet). They had a "found pet" form that I downloaded and completed and faxed back to them.  Hopefully the family who lost these cuties will contact that place and find out that we have their babies.

While I was doing that, I noticed a certain SUV driven by a middle-aged guy and a younger blond woman that drove by my house more than once.   They drove up the street, made a U-turn and drove past my house again.  When they did this the 2nd time, I ran outside and waved my arms in the air and caught them on their return loop (their 4th pass) but the guy just waved to me as if I was merely saying hello and kept driving.


I gave the "whatever" shrug and threw my hand in the air and he stopped his car at the end of the street but never backed up to me.   Then he drove away. 

He was obviously looking for something.  An address?  I don't think so.  Maybe his dogs?  Could be! My home office faces the street and I'm always aware of who comes and goes and I can say that this was certainly an anomaly.  I won't be at all surprised if we locate the owners and it turns out to be them and we have a big laugh about this.  But I can't help but think that they're idiots for not backing up and finding out why I was flagging them down as they drove past my house for the 4th time today. 

Five minutes later, he drove by for his third loop (6 passes by my house!).  I ran back outside and waited by the curb just in case he did it again - but he didn't.  Or maybe he did?  I don't know since I have a life and can't monitor my street constantly.  Plus my kids were in the house alone and it's not like I could just stand at the curb forever.

I called my husband and warned him that our usual Friday "Date Night" was probably going to be spent posting "Found" posters of these pups!  Since he's the most wonderful husband and father in the history of the world, he just chuckled and said "okay!". 

Now to figure out what to do with these babies!  I can't bring them in the house (cat would FREAK and I don't even know if their house trained) so maybe I'll take some blankets into the garage and keep them in there.  The temps have dropped into the 40's at night and the little peanuts shouldn't be out there in that!   Oh what have I gotten us into!

Here's a picture of Gwen lovin' on the two puppies.  They played in the yard for a few hours then came into the playroom and played some more until they were frazzled and frightened and shaking and ready for bed (the puppies - not the kids). 

Puppies 030

I'd been busy in the garage fixing a cozy safe place for them and when I put them in it, they were SOOO relieved!  Two totally pooped pups!   Aren't they sweet?

Puppies 078


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