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12 posts from September 2008

September 28, 2008



We had SO much fun in Sacramento this weekend and we're grateful to David and Susan for extending the invitation to us to join their travel group's reunion picnic.  The China adoption community is a wonderfully warm place and the people we met (or met again) this weekend are some of the nicest we've had the pleasure to know!  And could the kids be any more adorable?    Seriously, the park, the weather, the food, the friendly conversation -- it couldn't possibly have been better.

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September 26, 2008

Beautiful Love!

It's been a hard week.  First the news of Marc's death then my Grandma's 90th birthday that she just barely missed (we were going to throw such a party!) then the loss of another family friend under circumstances that we're still grappling with.  So it did my heart good to have Gwenny look me in the eye and tell me that the reason she's so beautiful is "love".  Yes, Babygirl, it is!  And you're more and more beautiful each and every day.  Guess that must mean you're loved a whole big bunch, huh!


September 22, 2008

Remembering Marc


Marc was my son's best friend when we lived in Hemet.  They got into so much trouble together but I have even more happy memories of the two of them riding bmx bikes and just being adorable little boys.

I remember when Andrew and I were dating and we took our son Michael and his friend Marc to Universal Studios City Walk.  They were about 11 or 12 years old and we let them roam around unsupervised while we did the same.  When we met back up at the designated time, we discovered that they'd been playing in the water fountain (not designed for that purpose) and sliding down the escalator hand rail in their wet clothes.  They were having a blast and they'd been having a blast for hours!   We collected more than a few disapproving looks as we led the boys towards the parking lot.  They were sopping wet so they stripped down to their boxer shorts in the back seat and giggled as we took them through the fast food drive-thru for dinner on our way home.  We chatted about Monty Python and 'nerds' and other silly things as we drove back home to Hemet.  It was really fun and it's a day I'll never forget.  Never.  Ever. 

My heart absolutely breaks for his family (and for my son).  I can't fathom the depth of loss they feel.  It's every mother's most horrible nightmare.


September 18, 2008

It's amazing what kids will do for chocolate!

Okay, I know I'm biased but isn't this child incredibly beautiful?   Her eyes and mouth and skin and nose and hair....   She simply takes my breath away!    Can you look at this picture and still draw a full breath?  Well?  Can you?

Okay, enough of the public Maddy Love Fest.  I'll move on.

Today was school picture day so I dressed the girls in color coordinated outfits and fixed their hair especially nice.   I put Gwen's hair in braids last night so it was full and fluffy and I used the curling iron on Maddy's hair to give her a pretty "style" (she LOVED that!).  Maddy even got some stick-on earrings!  Then we all went outside to take a few pictures before school.   

Pretty cute, eh?


I told the school photographer to feel free to bribe the girls with chocolate!  I promised them that I'd pick them up from school with two miniature Hershey's Chocolate bars if they followed instructions, looked at the camera and did their best to have a nice photo shoot.  Their teachers said they did great so we came home and celebrated!  Mmmmmmm!

When the school pictures arrive, I'll scan and post them.  :)

September 17, 2008

Another drawing from The Princess of Crunchville

It's been a week since Maddy's surgery and she's been eating soft foods without much protest -- until just now. 

After nap, she asked for a "crunchy cookie".  Not just a cookie but a crunchy cookie.   I can't really blame her since squishy food must be getting pretty boring by now. 

When I explained that she still can't have crunchy food, she ran into her room and cried.  My poor little Princess still has one more week to go!  When it's all over, we'll celebrate with the crunchiest Oreo cookies and Cheetos and Ritz crackers!  But for now it's soup and soft toast.  Ugh.  Maybe I'll melt a Hershey Kiss and let her lick it off a wooden spoon.  Who wouldn't like that!

Before nap, she was my usual happy little artist and she drew this handsome lion (background added by Mommy).   Don't you just love that tail? 


Today is Andrew's parent's 42nd wedding anniversary.   Two of the nicest people I know who just happen to have created the man of my dreams.

Happy Anniversary to Nana and Grandad!

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