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August 30, 2007

(tickle tickle) We're home

Rotten_bananaAfter 12 days of the best vacation EVER, we're finally home.    We've been bad about blogging partly because I didn't have my collage software or my photo editing program and partly because we've been so busy during the day that we all collapse into bed almost immediately after our 3 year old girls do!

When we loaded into our Honda Odyssey van 12 days ago, we didn't know what to expect.  Would the kids be able to sleep in the unfamiliar hotel?  Would they take naps?  Would they enjoy the amusement parks or be overwhelmed?  Would they be tall enough to ride anything?  Would they have enough self control to even be allowed out of the stroller?! 

The answer to everything was YES!   What a beautiful time!

I'm working on collages that attempt to do justice to the amazing time we had each and every day of our trip.  We drafted the text that will accompany those collages during our 8 hour drive home today while the girls watched movies on the van's DVD player.  Andrew and I tried to remember all the details and then compose some interesting paragraphs.  I think we did pretty good!  Regardless, it sure helped pass the time and it was a fun way to kill 8 hours on the road!  All I need to do is copy and paste the text into the blog when I have the collages all ready.  (I'll add links to the items below when the pages are ready so please check back often for updates!)

When we got home, it was almost like we'd never left.  The time really passed so quickly -- were we really away that long?  Surely we must have misread the calendar and there's still another week of vacation remaining.  Then I spied the old bananas on the counter and there was no denying that vacation - like the life of these formerly beautiful fruit - was over.


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