We've always known that we'd put a password on the blog when the girls turned three. Sadly, that time has come.
Friends and Family are invited to join us <here>. I've already emailed most of you and sent you the password.
We've made lots of friends through this blog and we value your friendship but we had to make the tough choice to restrict access to the new blog to those people we've actually met in person.
If you are a family member or a friend that we know in REAL LIFE and you didn't get my email with the password, please don't have hurt feelings. You weren't intentionally overlooked! There were hundreds of people in my address book and I just quickly skimmed through it. Please contact me (or leave a comment) and I'll reply back and send you the password!
If you're a Blogliner and you want to follow the new blog, don't unsubscribe. I'm going to keep the old blog (this one) alive so I can announce when there's an update on the private blog. RSS feeds don't seem work on private Typepad blogs so this is how I'll let you know about updates.
If anyone is interested in taking over the FFFF challenges, please let me know!
Thanks for two fantastic years!