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June 22, 2007

Giddy Up! (Wild Wild West!)


(click on photo to see larger image)

Our local Mc Donalds was doing a fund raiser by offering photos of the kids on a pony.  Our kids were highly enthusiastic about sitting on the horsey and the proceeds went to Ronald McDonald Charities -- so we were "in"!

After a light snack of Chicken Mc Nuggets and apple juice, we stood in line for our photo and this was the result. 

Introducing Gwenny - the Grumpy Cowgirl and Maddy the Contemplative Cowgirl!

Neither child cried but neither was super thrilled about wearing this silly attire while sitting atop an overheaded pony named "Snowy".  In fact, I'm almost certain that my girls were as excited about being there as Snowy was (which isn't saying much!)  But everyone was cute as can be so it was blog-worthy.  And here ya go!

Family FotoFun Friday Participants
1. sophieandsage.blogspot.com
2. catching butterflies
3. Cannon Fishbowl
4. Teague Adventures
5. Raising Cami Rose
6. 4 3=chaos
7. Just Keep Swimming
8. Chopsticks & Tabouli
9. Journey to Sarah Lu
10. Wo Ai Ni!
11. Mountains and Mountains & Oceans and Oceans
12. mexican chopsticks
13. The Happy Momma
14. The Princess and the Pea
15. Motherhood and Other Ramblings
16. The Ghelerter Twins
17. Journey with AnnaClaire
18. Diana\'s Twins
19. Allie\'s World
20. twinchatter


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