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October 30, 2006


Potty_elmoThe differences between our two "twin" daughters never cease to amaze me.  For example, Maddy can't manage to put her own socks on but can consistently go potty on the toilet.  On the other hand, Gwen can completely dress (and, unfortunately, undress) herself but doesn't seem to have the first clue about toilet training -- even though she has lots of enthusiasm for it!

We've noticed that she'll pretty consistently p*ee on the floor within minutes of getting out of the bathtub so we started lifting her from the bath and placing her directly on the potty chair.  One time, she actually produced results (p*ee) and was so excited that she still flashes a huge smile and hollers "YAY!" if you mention it.  But most of the time, there's no p*ee in the potty -- and there's never been poo. 

Still, she loves to sit on the potty so we encourage her and this morning she sat there while I dressed Madeline.  I was in the walk in closet picking a shirt when I turned around just in time to see Gwen squatting behind me and p*ooping on the carpet!  Yes, she got up from the potty chair and walked four feet into the closet to p*oop!   

How can she be so smart in so many ways but not understand the simple concept of where poo goes?  12 hours later, if I reminder her that she p*ooped on the floor in the closet, she smiles and screams "Yay!" and claps her hands.  Huh?


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