Now that we're expecting our 2nd daughter, Madeline, I can't call this blog "Gwen of Shenzhen" anymore. I liked that name because it rhymed and was very unique. I'm less enthusiastic about "Gwen and Maddy's blog" ............
But I'm drawing a blank. I want something short and sweet. Not more than three words, clever or catchy would be great! It doesn't have to include their names. It can reflect that they're sisters (twin-esque, twin-like, un-twins, two snopeas in a pod?) or that they're adopted from China. It can even include Pinyin, if that helps. Or it can just be anything even remotely related to this journey.
Both girls have the same Chinese first name: Xiao (pronounced shau). It can mean different things depending on how the Chinese character is written but our girls have the same meaning: Knowledge or knowing. It's pretty amazing that they have the same Chinese first name so I've thought about playing with it and working it into a clever title but, again, my clever meter isn't even registering lately! Maybe it's mommy-brain?
I'd love some help. Any ideas? If you can't post a comment, feel free to email me. Just click on my profile to get my email address. :)