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2 posts from December 2004

December 26, 2004

MSN China Adoption Forum

There are lots of forums that specialize in the subject of China adoption but my favorite is this one:

It's a private MSN group with more than 600 really nice families who are in various stages of the China adoption process. No cliques, no board wars. Just nice people.

If you apply for membership (it's free), be sure to mention that you got the link from this blog and also mention where you are in the adoption process. 

December 25, 2004

Christmas 2005

The T Family - Christmas 2004

Christmas was fun! But next Christmas will be even more fun with Gwen home.

This year, she got lots ofpresents for her bedroom. Grandma and Grandpa bought her the Pottery Barn Quilt and her twin sized bed looks so pretty with the new quilt and headboard. It'll be a while until she's old enough to use this bed but since it's already in the room, it might as well look nice!

Grandma knitted her three very pretty sweaters .

Mommy is trying to remember how to crochet and is working on a baby blanket (you can never have too many baby blankets!).

So, Gwen, your room is just about all ready for you. All we need to do is add you!

Big Brother, Michael got an iPod for Christmas. As much as he tried to control his enthusiasm, it made him happy enough to crack a smile!


USAA Called

Tracey from USAA called to tell us that all of our documents have been reviewed and our dossier is being translated and will be sent to China inJanuary!


TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 2004 Gwen's First Outfit

This is the first outfit Mom bought for Gwen! It also happens to be the first outfit she's ever bought for a little girl! It feels a bit strange shopping for a daughter (but fun!)


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2004 Dossier to USAA!

This is one of our dossier photos. (in real life, the cat doesn't look demon possesed!)

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